Photo Rejuvenation

IPL photo Rejuvenation

Everyone has unwanted pigmented lesions. Some are browns, some are reds, and some are mixtures of different pigments. Some we are born with, and some we acquire through aging, sun damage, or skin disorders. These dermal irregularities may be managed through different topical medications; however, many people find that advanced skin care treatment is the only effective option. Photo Rejuvenation is a process that uses light-based therapy to remove several different types of unsightly pigmentary changes. At The Breslow Center For Plastic Surgery, Dr. Breslow uses the technologically advanced Harmony IPL for Photo Rejuvenation. With this revolutionary system, imperfections such as erythema of rosacea, superficial telangiectasia, dyschromia, age spots and other discolored signs of photoaging can be gently heated and eliminated, and replaced by newer, younger looking skin.

Our patients prefer our Harmony IPL System because: The results are immediate and improve with successive treatments. It more rapidly treats multiple or larger lesions, compared with other skin care technologies. Each treatment is gentle and allows them to continue all routine activities. Treatments can be done during a lunch hour and no one will notice any sign of treatment, just a gradual improvement in the skin’s appearance!

IPL photo RejuvenationIPL photo RejuvenationIPL photo RejuvenationIPL photo Rejuvenation


Small (Cheeks) – $200 per session
Medium (Full Face) – $275 per session
Large (Chest) – $350 per session
 *Final Price might change, please call to get a final quote

Call The Breslow Center in Paramus, New Jersey at 201-444-9522 to schedule your photo rejuvenation treatment today!

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