Body Lift Surgery

Transform Your Body After Weight Loss
Body Contouring Procedures for Post-Weight Loss
Following significant weight loss achieved by diet, exercise, gastric bypass, or gastric banding, patients are typically left with significant areas of extra skin. This commonly includes excess skin of the abdomen, breasts, arms, and thighs.
We address all these areas with numerous combinations of body contouring procedures offered at our New Jersey practice. Abdominoplasty surgery can help to remove and tighten loose skin about the abdomen. For extra skin folds around the back, an extended abdominoplasty can be performed. Thigh lifts and arm lifts are available to remove and tighten extra flesh of the upper legs and upper arms.
Post Op Instructions
- Recovery time: 10-14 days out of work. Driving after 2 weeks as long as off narcotics, No exercising for 6 weeks then back to light exercise. Sleeping in beach chair position (several pillows under the head and 1-2 under the knees for 2 weeks). Patients will require antibiotics until drains are removed.
- Swelling: majority decreases within 4-6 weeks, up to one year to see final results
- Scars: along entire back usually meets up with the hips but below the underwear
- Drains: two along either side of the back, usually in for 1-2 weeks, cannot remove both at the same time
- Follow up visit: 1-2 days will be with PA or nurse, 1 week with doctor, 1 month with doctor and 3 months with doctor then 6 months and one year
If you would like more information about Body Lift, contact our Paramus, New Jersey office today.