Hollywood Spectra Laser

Lutronic Hollywood Spectra

Too much skin exposure to UV light can lead to sunspots, freckles, uneven skin tone and textural irregularities. Your skin type, heredity, lifestyle, age, and hormones can also contribute to your risk of developing unwanted pigment (e.g.: Melasma). For those that have been inked, tattoo regret often becomes a form of unwanted pigment in your dermis that can also be treated and reduced with the appropriate aesthetic laser technology.


This patented laser toning capability restores the natural glow and youthful appearance of your skin. It uses advanced technology that safely addresses your concern with minimal discomfort and downtime. It is a proven versatile platform that can treat with precision and speed. Unwanted pigment can be effectively reduced or eliminated after a series of treatments. Also unique to Hollywood Spectra is the popular Hollywood Laser Peel® experience. This patented laser toning capability, restores the natural glow and smoothness of the skin. Your provider can determine personal treatment needs and expectations after a consultation.

Hollywood Spectra Laser

How the Hollywood Spectra Treatment Works?

Hollywood Spectra is a versatile laser platform designed to gently deliver specialized ‘billionth of a second’ laser energy to reduce visible skin pigmentation. It not only brightens uneven skin tone, but it also helps to reduce the appearance of textural irregularities and fine lines. The laser energy is adjusted to your skin type and condition so that it can be precisely targeted to address your aesthetic concerns. 

The Hollywood Spectra can help remove tattoo ink regret, reduce unwanted pigmentation, melasma, and age spots, and brighten your overall complexion from a technique called laser toning. Laser Toning is often used to help reduce unwanted pigment (or melanin) in your skin while simultaneously stimulating new dermal collagen growth through gentle heating. 

This comfortable combination treatment is very popular with patients as consumer demand for a more youthful appearance continues to expand. The brownish colored melanin or tattoo ink particles are efficiently targeted by the Spectra laser energy – leading to selective destruction of those targets. The body naturally processes and removes these shattered pigment particles through your own immune system. 

Several treatments are required to achieve the gradual, natural improvement in your skin appearance. Your provider can more thoroughly explain the process and how to follow post treatment instructions to maximize the aesthetic benefits of your customized treatment plan.

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Before and After Hollywood Spectra Laser​

Before and After Lutronic Hollywood SpectraBefore and After Lutronic Hollywood Spectra

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