
How Do You Know if You Have Gynecomastia?


Many men are uncomfortable taking their shirts off because they have a “feminine” chest. Sometimes this happens when carrying extra weight, and sometimes it’s due to a condition called gynecomastia, in which a hormone imbalance causes glandular breast tissue to grow. 

Knowing which condition you have can help you choose a treatment plan that will restore your confidence at the pool, gym, and even at home. 

How Do I Tell the Difference Between Fatty Breast Tissue and Gynecomastia?

Excess fat deposits in the chest area can make some males look like they have breasts. This is known as pseudo-gynecomastia, and it doesn’t have to do with a hormone imbalance. Men who are overweight or who have recently lost weight tend to have a feminized chest, since localized fat deposits throughout the chest area are resistant to diet and exercise efforts. Because the tissue is fatty, it feels soft when you push on it.  

True gynecomastia happens when the male body makes too much estrogen or doesn’t make enough testosterone, causing glandular breast tissue to grow as it does in females. Males with this condition can actually feel firm tissue underneath the nipple. Gynecomastia symptoms include:

  • A palpable rubbery or firm disc-like shape under the nipple. 
  • The breast or nipple is sensitive when it rubs against your shirt, or is even painful or tender when touched.
  • Sometimes, one side is larger than the other, or one side does not have any breast-like tissue (called unilateral gynecomastia).

While uncommon, breast cancer in men is possible and needs to be ruled out before treating gynecomastia. The presence of a lump, enlargement of one breast, or discharge from the nipple raises concern for male breast cancer. 

Who Does Gynecomastia Affect?

The hormone imbalance that causes gynecomastia can happen naturally, when taking certain medications or drugs, or due to a medical condition. The condition is more common in:

Adolescents. Many boys experience an overgrowth of glandular breast tissue due to a hormone imbalance during puberty. As their hormones become regulated with age, only around 20% of teens who experienced gynecomastia continue to deal with it into adulthood.

Men over 50. Testosterone does slowly begin to decline at this age; men over 50 also tend to become less active and might gain a few pounds. Excess body fat helps to grow an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen. That extra estrogen can cause breast tissue to grow.  

Men taking medications and drugs that affect hormones. Gynecomastia can happen when taking medications that cause hormone fluctuations such as those that treat prostate cancer, or fertility treatments. Chronic use of steroids, recreational drugs, and alcohol also leads to a reduction in testosterone. 

Men with certain medical conditions. Male patients with hyperthyroidism, liver and kidney problems, and tumors tend to have a hormone imbalance that leads to breast tissue growth. 

What’s the Best Treatment for Gynecomastia?

Treatment for gynecomastia depends on what’s causing it. 

If breast tissue growth is due to lifestyle choices that are causing a hormone imbalance, you might try gynecomastia self-care. Stopping recreational drugs and limiting alcohol can help to increase testosterone. Performing chest exercises can help to build muscle around breast tissue for a more masculine appearance.

Medical conditions or medications that are causing gynecomastia should be addressed by your endocrinologist, as there may be an alternative drug that can restore the balance of your hormones.

If non-surgical methods aren’t successful or are not possible, male breast reduction surgery is an option. During this procedure, we make a small, semicircular incision around the areola and perform liposuction to remove fat, then extract the glandular tissue. 

In patients with pseudo-gynecomastia, we will only need to do liposuction. Recovery from liposuction alone usually takes about a week, while surgical removal of excess breast tissue can take between two to four weeks to heal.

For a Flatter, Firmer Chest, Contact Breslow Center

Dr. Breslow and Dr. Greaney can help you regain confidence by creating a more contoured, masculine chest. Schedule a private consultation online to learn more about gynecomastia treatment options, or call 201-444-9522.

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