Cosmetic Surgeon vs Plastic Surgeon: What’s the Difference?

Breslow Banter/Reconstructive Surgery

In this article, New Jersey board-certified plastic surgeon Jordan P. Farkas, M.D. explains the difference between a cosmetic surgeon and a board-certified plastic surgeon.


“Hi! Itโ€™s Dr Farkas, and I just want to shed some light on the differences between a cosmetic surgeon and a board-certified plastic surgeon.

So cosmetic surgeons do not have anything to do with the American Board of Medical Specialties. They donโ€™t have to go through residency training specifically in medicine. Cosmetic surgery is made up by marketing and advertising, as far as the criteria for what it takes to be considered a cosmetic surgeon.

abms logo

Plastic surgery is also involved in reconstructive surgery and as a part of its board has a specialty designed and to teach plastic surgeons cosmetic surgery. As you know, cosmetic surgery is very complicated. Itโ€™s similar to other forms of surgery like heart surgery, trauma surgery, hand surgery, that all have specific criteria and fundamental training that is imperative in being able to provide patients with the best results that they are looking for, with the new cutting edge treatments in line with aesthetic cosmetic surgery.

If you are looking for a plastic or a cosmetic surgeon, be sure that you know that a cosmetic surgeon is without any credential that is specific to plastic surgery, and be very weary of what type of training that physician actually has in order to provide the services that you are looking for.

Hope to see you soon. Thanks.”

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